Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letter from luann

Fashion is seriously all about risk. This blog is my small start in risking taking. I have always loved fashion; I was the kinda girl that would buy all kinds of fashion magazines and pour over them for hours. I would save them and read them over and over. Writing has always come naturally to me, but for years I allowed fear to stop me from my dreams. Sometimes fear can be a generational curse, because no one ever took the chance to step out of the box. When I decided to start my blog, I didn't tell anyone. I didn't need or want any ones opinion. To step out of the box you have to realize that everyone will not support your plan. At 30 years old, I have decided not to let fear hold me back anymore. Everyday will not be easy and you will cross some bumps in the road. I learned about the power of prayer a long time ago and God will truly reveal somethings to you, if you take the time to open your heart, mind and eyes. You are in charge of your future. It's all about LIVING YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY !!!!!!


  1. I am so proud of u & ur accomplishments...u have so much more 2 continue 2 have dat faith in God & positive attitude & anything is possible & dnt let knw one tell u different. U knw I got ur back no matter what....luv u Bestie!

  2. you really know how to make me cry i love you too

  3. LuAnn :) You're doing such a wonderful job with Fashion Daily, so proud to see women unite and support each other talents and gifts. I look forward to working with you in the future as we grow . Much success, blessing and love your way... Fashion Daily Rocks!!
    Love, Kimberly Koko
